Minggu, 11 September 2011

GO GREEN -Rainforests

Rainforests are valuable habitats. About half of all the species of animals and plants in the world live in rainforests with a possible 50,000 species a year becoming extinct. Thousands of rainforest plants contain substances that can be used in medicines and the tribal people of the forests have great knowledge of them. Rainforests are also important because they provide us with oxygen and help to regulate the world’s climate and atmosphere.
Yet despite their value, an area of rainforest the size of Britain is destroyed every year. One a half acres are cleared every second, an area about the size of a football pitch. They are cut down to make way for ‘civilized man’ to provide timber, grow crops and graze cattle. Sometimes they’re burnt down to make space to grow soya, and animal feed and to grow palm oil, a bio-fuel used as an alternative to petrol and diesel, as well as being use as an ingredient in many foods.
• Never buy products made up of tropical hardwoods e.g. mahogany and teak. It is better to buy
• Garden and flower shops sometimes sell rainforest orchids that have been imported, although endangered ones have been protected since 1973. If you buy an orchid, check that it has been grown in Britain.
• Some parrots and macaws are unfortunately still imported. If you want a parrot as a pet, make sure it has been hatched in Britain.
• Eating e beef burger may be helping to destroy the rainforest! Most burgers in Britain are made from European cattle. However, the cattle are often fed on soya beans and a lot of that comes from Brazil where large areas of forest have been destroyed to make soya fields. Before buying a burger, ask where the cattle came from and what they were fed on. Try a veggie burger for a change.

GO GREEN -How can you do to protect your environment?

We humans create such a lot of rubbish! Between 1992 and 2008 household waste increased by 16% and we now produce just under half a tone per person each year. Most of this is taken away by dustmen and buried in enormous landfill sites or burned in incinerators – both of these actions can be dangerous for the environment. Is all our rubbish really rubbishes? If you think about it, much of what we throw away could be used again. It makes sense to reuse and recycle our rubbish instead of just trying to solve the problem of where to put it! Encouragingly rates of recycling have increased so that we recycle 35% of our household rubbish, although we could recycle up to 80%. Much of our waste is made up of glass, metal, plastic and paper. Our natural resources will one day be completely used up. We must cut down on energy use.
• Sort out your rubbish. Organic matter e.g. potato peelings, leftover food, tea leaves etc. can be transferred straight to a compost heap in the garden and used as a good, natural fertilizer for the plants. Aluminums cans, glass bottles and newspapers etc. are often collected from our doorsteps these days, but other item such as plastic bottles, juice cartons and cardboard may not be, in which case they can be taken to nearby recycling banks. Find out where they are by
• Chlorine bleach is usually used to make newspapers and this pollutes rivers. It’s better to use unbleached, recycled paper whenever you can.
• Take your old clothes to charity shops. Some are sold, others are returned to textile mills for recycling.
• Try to avoid buying plastic. It’s hard to recycle. One way to cut down on plastic is to refuse to use carrier bags offered by supermarkets and use strong, long lasting shopping bags instead, or re-use plastic bags over and over again, until they wear out and then recycle them.
• Don’t buy over-packed goods. Many things we buy have unnecessary amounts of plastic and paper around them.

GO GREEN -Using Water Efficiently

What does protecting the environment mean to you? Protecting the environment means not leaving a large ecological footprint on the earth. Some people spend their whole lives making sure not to pollute and ruin the earth; others want to commit to a few daily routines that will protect our environment. Ready to “Go Green”? See steps below for how to protect the environment one day at a time!
Use it sparingly. Don’t let water run down the drain. You can fill the sink with some water to wash your fruit or vegetables and then use the same water to wash dishes. Adjust your sprinkles so they will only water grass and not the sidewalk. Use water efficient shower heads, dishwater, facets, and sprinklers. Drop your tissue in the trash instead of down the toilet. There are many ways to save and conserve water daily; it just takes a little bit of effort.

Jumat, 02 September 2011

10 Kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) Terbaik

Kamera-kamera Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR terbaik:
1. Canon EOS 500D

- 15.1 megapixel
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD
- Full HD video
- Live View
- Face Detection Auto-Fokus

2. Nikon D90 DX

- 12.3 megapixel
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD
- Live View
- Face Detection
- Full HD Video
- Pembersihan sensor auto
- 4.5 frames per second (fps)

3. Canon EOS 450D

- 12.2 megapixel
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD
- Pembersihan sensor auto
- 3.5 frames per second (fps)
- Live View
- Pembersihan sensor auto

4. Canon EOS 7D

- 18 megapixel
- DIGIC 4 prosessor berkembar
- 19 titik fokus AF
- 8 frames per second (fps)
- Full 1080p HD Video
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD

5. Canon 1000D

- 10 Megapixel
- 2.5 Inci skrin LCD
- Live View

6. Nikon D3000

- 10.2 megapixel
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD
- 3.0 frames per second (fps)
- Pembersihan sensor auto
- 11 AF points

7. Canon EOS 50D

- 15.1 megapixel
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD
- Live View
- 6.3 frames per second (fps)

8. Nikon D5000

- 12.3 Megapixel
- 2.7 inci skrin LCD
- 720p HD Video
- Live View
- 4.0 frames per second (fps)

9. Nikon D300s

- 12.3 Megapixel
- 720p HD Video
- 7 frames per second (fps)
- 3.0 inci skrin LCD
- Pembersihan sensor auto
- 51 titik fokus AF
- Live View

10. Olympus Evolt E520

- sensor Four Third 10 Megapixel
- Image Stabilization dibina di dalam
- Face Detection
- Live View

source: fotogu

Kamera SLR dan DSLR

Guys, buat kalian yang suka photography, disini gue punya beberapa kamera yang sering dan banyak digunakan oleh para fotografer.
Berikut ini beberapa kamera SLR dan DSLR beserta lensanya. Cekidot..


Guys, ni gue punya foto-foto terbaru Barca ;)

Kamis, 01 September 2011


Go vote CODY ROBERT SIMPSON on Australia Kids Choice Awards. He's nominated on:

1-4-3, Coco :*